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With: Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, Laura Monaghan, David Gulpilil, Ningali Lawford, Myarn Lawford, Deborah Mailman, Jason Clarke, Kenneth Branagh
Written by: Christine Olsen, based on a book by Doris Pilkington
Directed by: Phillip Noyce
MPAA Rating: PG for emotional thematic material
Running Time: 94
Date: 02/04/2002
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002)
'Fence' and Sensibility
By Jeffrey M. Anderson Philip Noyce (The Quiet American) directed thistrue political story as a kind of simple adventure story, complete withwide open spaces a la John Ford and a terrific villain (Kenneth Branagh)who truly believes he's doing the right thing. In 1931 Australia,half-caste Aboriginie children are captured and placed in government-runtraining centers to prepare them for "civilized" life. Three girls, ages8 to 14, decide to escape -- and we follow them -- as they trace the fenceback home. Stunning.