Combustible Celluloid
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With: Alejandro Ferretis, Magdalena Flores, Yolanda Villa, Martin Serrano
Written by: Carlos Reygadas
Directed by: Carlos Reygadas
MPAA Rating: NR
Language: Spanish with English subtitles
Running Time: 122
Date: 03/19/2003

Japón (2002)

3 Stars (out of 4)

The Long Walk

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Shot on grungy, yet lovely, 16mm Cinemascope, Carlos Reygadas' little-seen Mexican film Japón tells the bizarre story of an unnamed man (Alejandro Ferretis) who journeys to a canyon to spend his last day and then kill himself. He winds up spending time with an old woman (Magdalena Flores) who gives him a place to stay. The imagery luxuriates in long takes and everyday life rather than directing its energies toward the inevitable conclusion. It can be a bit frustrating, but it's certainly ambitious.

Tartan Video has released both Japón and Reygadas' new film Battle in Heaven on DVD. It comes with a trailer and an interview.

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