Combustible Celluloid Book Review - Once Upon a Rind In Hollywood: 50 Movie-Themed Cheese Platters and Snack Boards for Film Fanatics
Combustible Celluloid

Book Review: Once Upon a Rind In Hollywood

Mia Wallace (Uma Thurman) enjoys a $5 shake in Pulp Fiction. (Miramax)

Once Upon a Rind In Hollywood: 50 Movie-Themed Cheese Platters and Snack Boards for Film Fanatics
By Rachel Riederman
Ulysses Press
February 14, 2023
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By Jeffrey M. Anderson

As someone who loves movies, food, and puns, this book was a grand slam even before it arrived in my mailbox. Once Upon a Rind In Hollywood: 50 Movie-Themed Cheese Platters and Snack Boards for Film Fanatics includes fifty actual recipes for cheese platters and charcuterie boards, and each one has been carefully thought out to incorporate elements from fifty movies. (The movies themselves are also miraculously well-chosen. Just about everyone alive would name at least one of them as a personal favorite.) Some examples include a recipe for "Miracle Max Pills" (peanut butter, crushed pretzels, honey, salt, and chocolate chips) from The Princess Bride, a Bento Board for My Neighbor Totoro, peanuts, Cracker Jacks, and mozzarella balls for A League of Their Own, Reese's Pieces peanut butter blondies for E.T., a BB-8 cheese ball for Star Wars, Royale with Stilton sliders and $5 shakes for Pulp Fiction, an Italian board (including Clemenza's Sunday sauce) for "The Gouda-father," a Silence of the Lambs platter with (of course) fava beans, a spicy Some Like It Hot platter, some "Nachos Libre," a platter based on the Breakfast Club lunches (Pixy Stix included), and even a lovely Christmas board for It's a Wonderful Life. Some recipes seem prettier than practical, such as the Wizard of Oz rainbow board, consisting of an odd mix of colored fruits and candies to make up a rainbow (raspberries, orange gummy bears, mandarin slices, yellow cheese, green gummy bears, blueberries, purple gumdrops, and blueberry chèvre cheese), but it makes for a great photo. You'll have to see the Willy Wonka photo to fully appreciate it. The recipes are divided by movie category: Romance, Kids & Musicals, Action & Drama, Horror, and Comedy, and author/photographer Rachel Riederman provides at least one photo for each, as well as punny intros. If any of this whets the appetite, then this book is highly recommended. It's really the bee's chee... er... knees.

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