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With: Neil Young, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Stephen Stills, Josh Hisle, Mike Cerre
Written by: Mike Cerre, Neil Young
Directed by: "Bernard Shakey" (Neil Young)
MPAA Rating: R for some language and brief war images
Running Time: 96
Date: 03/18/2013
Ragged Glory
By Jeffrey M. Anderson In 2006, Neil Young released the album, Living with War, whichincluded a song called "Let's Impeach the President." For thesubsequent, potentially incendiary tour, he reunited with David Crosby,Stephen Stills and Graham Nash, with whom he had recorded the legendary1970 protest song "Ohio." This documentary directed by Young (under hispseudonym Bernard Shakey) captures several stops on the tour. Fans andcritics respond to the show, complete with images of dead soldiersprojected above the stage, with a range of enthusiasm and apathy --except in Atlanta. There, the audience reacts with a frightening mobmentality, instantly enraged and indignant (though their on-cameracomments are sometimes amusing). Like the Dixie Chicks film Shut Up andSing (2006), the film avoids discussing politics directly, and insteaddiscusses the right to discuss politics.