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With: Meryl Streep, Robert Redford, Ashley Judd, Isabel Allende, Van Jones (narrators), Bill McKibben, Stewart Brand, Paul Hawken, Tom Turner, Doug Scott, Martin Litton, Jerry Mander, John Adams, Carl Pope, Robert Bullard, Stephanie Mills, Rex Wyler (interviewees)
Written by: Tom Turner
Directed by: Mark Kitchell
MPAA Rating: NR
Running Time: 101
Date: 15/03/2013
A Fierce Green Fire (2013)
What a Way to Run a Planet
Full disclosure: my friend and former editor at Greencine.com, Craig
Phillips, is an associate producer on A Fierce Green Fire.
Filmmaker Mark Kitchell, of the Oscar-nominated Berkeley in the
Sixties (1990), returns after a long absence with the documentary A
Fierce Green Fire, which charts the overall history of the environmental
movement of the last century. Divided into five sections, each with its
own celebrity voiceover, it begins with John Muir and the attempt to
protect national parks from being flooded, moves through the Sierra
Club, Greenpeace, "save the whales," and many other key moments.
Now, I grew up in a house that was violently opposed to the Sierra
Club. My dad wasn't an anti-environmentalist, so to speak, but he was
very much against the actions of the Sierra Club. I couldn't help
thinking what it would have been like to watch this movie with my dad.
Would it have changed his mind? Regarding the movie's first
three-fifths, the answer is, rigidly, no.
Kitchell's presentation is a classic "preaching-to-the-converted"
one. It takes a defensive stance, clearly acknowledging that an
opposition exists. Yet it never addresses the opposition's view. It very
simply assumes that any opposing view is wrong. Now, of course, you
could argue that this is the correct way to go, especially when the
movie gets to its fourth part, showing how the Amazonian rubber tapper
Chico Mendes was murdered over his environmental activism. The movie
allows the viewer to assume that cold-blooded, heartless corporations
bent only on power and profit did this horrific deed. And it's easy to
get worked up. But the movie doesn't actually provide any research or
When the movie gets to its fifth part, the climate crisis, Kitchell's
presentation begins to make sense. (Kitchell was wise enough to save his
ace-in-the-hole, Meryl Streep, to narrate this part.) No matter who the
opposition is, or what they think, or how they operate, does not matter
even a tiny bit compared to the colossal problem that exists with the
earth's rising temperature. We know that various U.S. presidents have
ignored global warming, and we know that other politicos have tried to
pass it off as a giant hoax. But it's real, and even certain naysayers
are starting to come around (see also Chasing Ice).
The tone in this final part is totally stripped of arrogance or
argument. It's simply stated as a sad fact, with a kind of awe. Whales?
We didn't have any idea. The interviewees explain that they
underestimated the hugeness of the global warming problem, and that
nobody in their right mind could have seen it coming. All political and
financial conflict needs to be set aside to deal with it. Yet conflict
still exists, and may exist well past the point of no return.
If the point of A Fierce Green Fire is to dissipate conflict and join
all viewers together under one big cause, then it finally succeeds. One
final interviewee wisely explains that, if you like to breathe air,
drink clean water, and eat good food, you're an environmentalist. But
before the movie gets to that place, it wobbles dangerous close to
alienating the people it most needs to convince. I just hope they (my
dad and others) watch all the way to the end to realize what a powerful
trial-and-error story this is.