Combustible Celluloid Review - The Hole in the Ground (2019), Lee Cronin, Stephen Shields, Lee Cronin, Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, Kati Outinen, David Crowley, Simone Kirby, Steve Wall, Eoin Macken, Sarah Hanly, Andrew Bennett, James Cosmo, John Quinn
Combustible Celluloid
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With: Seána Kerslake, James Quinn Markey, Kati Outinen, David Crowley, Simone Kirby, Steve Wall, Eoin Macken, Sarah Hanly, Andrew Bennett, James Cosmo, John Quinn
Written by: Lee Cronin, Stephen Shields
Directed by: Lee Cronin
MPAA Rating: R for some disturbing images
Running Time: 90
Date: 03/01/2019

The Hole in the Ground (2019)

3 Stars (out of 4)

Not My Son

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Having left her husband, Sarah O'Neill (Seána Kerslake) moves with her young son Chris (James Quinn Markey) to a house on the edge of the woods. She runs into a seemingly crazed neighbor woman who claims that Chris is not her real son. At first, she's just spooked, but then she begins noticing little things — things only a mother would notice — that aren't quite right about her son. And, yes, there is an enormous, and very scary, hole in the middle of the woods just behind the house. An Irish production, The Hole in the Ground requires quite a bit of heavy-lifting from Kerslake, who is onscreen nearly all the time, and she pulls it off, planting seeds of anxious doubt every step of the way. Lee Cronin directs, making the most of the overcast, chilly atmosphere, as well as the creaking old house (Sarah is constantly trying to fix it up) and the looming woods.

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