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With: Jennifer Lopez, Jim Caviezel, Jeremy Sisto, Terrence Howard, Sonia Braga, Victor Argo, Monet Mazur, Shirley Knight
Written by: Gerald Di Pego
Directed by: Luis Mandoki
MPAA Rating: R for language, violence and a scene of sexuality
Running Time: 102
Date: 05/15/2001
Cop Circles
By Jeffrey M. Anderson When we see a movie cop falling in love with a civilian we immediately expect certainkinds of scenes, a climactic shootout, a kidnapping perhaps, or worse, aninterrupted marriage proposal leading up to someone's early death (as in therecent 15 Minutes). And the TV ads forAngel Eyes, do nothing to refute this. But as directed by Luis Mandoki(When a Man Loves a Woman), Angel Eyes, genuinely surprises,looking for genuine human relationships instead of cheap thrills. Jennifer Lopezstars as the cop, and it's a terrific performance, full of fire and dazzle. JimCaviezel co-stars as a man blocking out his past after a horrible trafficaccident. Only in the last five minutes does Mandoki let the hammer drop. Beforethat, Angel Eyes is quite compelling.