Combustible Celluloid Book Review - Clint Eastwood: The Iconic Filmmaker and His Work
Combustible Celluloid

Book Review — Clint Eastwood: The Iconic Filmmaker and His Work

Clint Eastwood: The Iconic Filmmaker and His Work
By Ian Nathan
White Lion
176 pages
September 12, 2023
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By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Film writer Ian Nathan (who has also authored "unofficial" and "unauthorized" books on the Coen Brothers and Guillermo Del Toro) returns with this handsome volume filled with glossy photos unpacking the career of one of our greatest American directors. It divides Clint Eastwood's career into sections, beginning with his early bit parts, television roles, and in Sergio Leone's Western trilogy, which made him a star. It explores his relationship with director Don Siegel, the beginnings of his own directorial career, and the hard lessons he learned on The Outlaw Josey Wales. Each of his milestones, Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby, serve as dividers for the later chapters, as well as a brief but useful aside on Eastwood's brief term as the Mayor of Carmel. Nathan goes into depth on these significant movies, but I do wish he could have spent more time on some of the filmmakers more underrated and revealing works, specifically Breezy and Hereafter. Best of all, the book tries to make sense of Eastwood's prickly politics; he emerges as someone who's human, but also legendary.

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