Combustible Celluloid Review - The Golden Coach (1952), Jean Renoir, Jack Kirkland, Renzo Avanzo, Giulio Macchi, Ginette Doynel, inspired by <I>Le Carrosse du Saint-Sacrement</I> by Prosper Mérimée, Jean Renoir, Anna Magnani, Odoardo Spadaro, Nada Fiorelli, Dante, Duncan Lamont, George Higgins, Ralph Truman, Gisella Mathews, Raf De La Torre, Elena Altieri, Paul Campbell, Riccardo Rioli, William Tubbs, Jean Debucourt
Combustible Celluloid
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With: Anna Magnani, Odoardo Spadaro, Nada Fiorelli, Dante, Duncan Lamont, George Higgins, Ralph Truman, Gisella Mathews, Raf De La Torre, Elena Altieri, Paul Campbell, Riccardo Rioli, William Tubbs, Jean Debucourt
Written by: Jean Renoir, Jack Kirkland, Renzo Avanzo, Giulio Macchi, Ginette Doynel, inspired by Le Carrosse du Saint-Sacrement by Prosper Mérimée
Directed by: Jean Renoir
MPAA Rating: NR
Language: English
Running Time: 103
Date: 12/02/1952

The Golden Coach (1952)

3 1/2 Stars (out of 4)

Anna Split

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Critics of the time considered Renoir's color films inferior to his black-and-whites, but that is not necessarily the case, as the full-color, English-language The Golden Coach is one of his greatest achievements. Though the film is a weird mix of light humor and weighty seriousness, it's the centerpiece performance by Anna Magnani that makes all the difference. She's a true force of nature, fighting off three different suitors from three walks of life while trying to make ends meet with her traveling theater show.

I first saw The Golden Coach on a VHS tape, so the 2024 Blu-ray release by Raro was a true eye-opener. Technicolor is notoriously difficult to restore properly, but this disc does a spectacular job; it's truly gorgeous. (It's said to be restored in 2K from original trichrome negatives.) If François Truffaut's praise of the film ("may be Renoir's masterpiece; it is the noblest and most refined film ever made") is true, then it's even more true now. It offers the English soundtrack in 2.0 DTS, plus the alternate French track, and a commentary track by film critic Adam Nayman. Highly Recommended.

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