Combustible Celluloid
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With: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Delphine Seyrig, Claude Jade, Michael Lonsdale, Harry-Max, André Falcon, Daniel Ceccaldi, Claire Duhamel, Catherine Lutz, Martine Ferrière, Jacques Rispal, Serge Rousseau, Paul Pavel, François Darbon, Albert Simono
Written by: François Truffaut
Directed by: François Truffaut
MPAA Rating: R
Language: French, with English subtitles
Running Time: 90
Date: 08/14/1968

Stolen Kisses (1968)

4 Stars (out of 4)

The Book of Doniel

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Perhaps François Truffaut's most personal achievement is the five-film cycle that follows the life and times of Antoine Doinel (Jean-Pierre Léaud), loosely based on Truffaut's own troubled childhood and uncertain later years. Antoine isn't a bad kid, but he always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The ultimate Doniel film has to be Stolen Kisses, a superb, lighthearted look at a 20-something Doniel who gets thrown out of the army, lands a job as a detective and has an affair with an older, married woman. Truffaut holds the film's tone perfectly throughout, and it emerges as one of his very best films. It's also avaialble in a beautiful Criterion DVD box set containing all five Doinel films.

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