Combustible Celluloid
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With: Cornel Wilde, Yvonne De Carlo, Raymond Burr, Lon Chaney Jr., Rodolfo Acosta, John Qualen, Anthony Caruso, Frank de Kova
Written by: Howard Estabrook, Beatrice A. Dresher, Joseph Lejtes, based on a story by Beatrice A. Dresher, Miguel Padilla, Joseph Lejtes
Directed by: Allan Dwan
MPAA Rating: NR
Running Time: 84
Date: 10/06/1954

Passion (1954)

3 1/2 Stars (out of 4)

Land Trap

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Written entirely in a strange, blank verse poetry, Passion is something different than Allan Dwan's other quickie Westerns of the 1950s. Juan Obreon (Cornel Wilde) discovers that his friend's daughter has given birth to his child, but as he prepares to celebrate and settled down, an evil land baron moves in and destroys the ranch, and nearly everyone on it. So Juan goes for revenge. Yvonne De Carlo co-stars as the twin sister of Juan's former bride-to-be. Off-putting at first, the film becomes utterly fascinating if you stick with it.

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