Combustible Celluloid Review - Bad Lieutenant (1992), Zoë Lund, Abel Ferrara, Abel Ferrara, Harvey Keitel, Victor Argo, Paul Calderón, Zoë Lund, Eddie Daniels, Bianca Bakija, Vincent Laresca, Frankie Thorn, Fernando Véléz, Joseph Micheal Cruz, Paul Hipp, Frank Adonis, Anthony Ruggiero, Victoria Bastel
Combustible Celluloid
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With: Harvey Keitel, Victor Argo, Paul Calderón, Zoë Lund, Eddie Daniels, Bianca Bakija, Vincent Laresca, Frankie Thorn, Fernando Véléz, Joseph Micheal Cruz, Paul Hipp, Frank Adonis, Anthony Ruggiero, Victoria Bastel
Written by: Zoë Lund, Abel Ferrara
Directed by: Abel Ferrara
MPAA Rating: NC-17 for sexual violence, strong sexual situations & dialogue, graphic drug use
Running Time: 96
Date: 09/16/1992

Bad Lieutenant (1992)

4 Stars (out of 4)

Cop Lout

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Zoë Lund, who was the star of Abel Ferrara's Ms. 45 (under her maiden name Zoë Tamerlis), co-wrote this screenplay with Ferrara, and, despite it being slapped with an NC-17 rating, became one of Ferrara's biggest hits and most acclaimed works. In a truly soul-baring performance, Harvey Keitel stars as the unnamed Lieutenant. Over the course of a couple of days, he takes an enormous amount of drugs, sleeps with prostitutes, steals evidence, makes deals with drug dealers, and more. He bets tons of money on the (fictitious) National League championship series between the Mets and the Dodgers. And when he pulls over a couple of teenage girls who have borrowed their parents' car, he forces them mime sexual maneuvers while he masturbates. This is not a good person. At the same time, a nun has been raped, and the lieutenant takes a personal interest in the case. But when the nun chooses forgiveness over vengeance, it sends the lieutenant into a spin. Bad Lieutenant is a continuation of Ferrara's grimy grindhouse sensibility, but with a spiritual center. It's about an inner exploration rather than an external gross-out.

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