Combustible Celluloid
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With: Cameron Mitchell, Millie Perkins, Jack Nicholson, Katherine Squire, George Mitchell, Rupert Crosse, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hackett, Tom Filer, B.J. Merholz, Brandon Carroll, Peter Cannon, William A. Keller, Neil Summers, James Campbell, Walter Phelps, Charles Eastman, Gary Kent
Written by: Jack Nicholson
Directed by: Monte Hellman
MPAA Rating: Unrated
Running Time: 82
Date: 03/18/1965

Ride in the Whirlwind (1965)

4 Stars (out of 4)

The Goodbye 'Whirl'

By Jeffrey M. Anderson

Monte Hellman's breakthrough came when he and Jack Nicholson flew off to the Utah desert to shoot two Westerns for Roger Corman back-to-back for less than $100,000 each. The results of this labor became The Shooting (1967) and Ride in the Whirlwind (1965), two miracles of understatement. The very existential The Shooting became a cult classic. In the more conventional (but no less brilliant) Ride in the Whirlwind, with a screenplay by Jack Nicholson, three cowhands become wanted men when a posse surrounds both them and a cabin full of killers. Nicholson, Millie Perkins and Harry Dean Stanton star. Both films enjoyed enormous success in Paris, where they played for the better part of a year. VCI Entertainment released the DVD.

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